In commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the Wonder Boy franchise, Strictly Limited-Games will be opening up pre-orders for limited runs of their larger Wonder Boy Anniversary Limited, Collectors and Ultimate editions on March 6 for the Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4. This comes after the announcement of a digital collection earlier last month.
This compilation features six games and 21 different versions; covering multiple arcade systems, and consoles ranging from the Mark II and Master System, all the way to the Sega Genesis:
Wonder Boy | International/Western | Arcade (SYSTEM 1) |
Wonder Boy | JP | SG-1000 |
Super Wonder Boy | JP | Master System / Sega MARK III |
Wonder Boy | International/Western | Master System / Sega MARK III |
Revenge of Drancon (Wonder Boy) | International/Western | Game Gear |
Wonder Boy | JP | Game Gear |
Wonder Boy in Monster Land | International/Western | Arcade (SYSTEM 2) |
Wonder Boy in Monster Land | International/Western | Master System |
Wonder Boy in Monster Land | JP | Arcade (SYSTEM 2) |
Super Wonder Boy: Monster World | JP | Master System / Sega MARK III |
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap | International/Western | Game Gear |
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap | International/Western | Master System |
Monster World II (Dragon’s Trap) | JP | Master System / Sega MARK III |
Monster World II: The Dragon’s Trap | JP | Game Gear |
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair | International/Western | Arcade (SYSTEM 16) |
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair | International/Western | Mega Drive / Genesis |
Wonder Boy in Monster World | International/Western | Master System / Sega MARK III |
Wonder Boy in Monster World | International/Western | Mega Drive / Genesis |
Wonder Boy V: Monster World III | JP | Mega Drive |
Monster World IV | International/Western | Mega Drive / Genesis |
Monster World IV | JP | Mega Drive |
In addition, each version has additional pack in items including an artbook, music box, and more.
Visit here to find out more.