America for PC

America is a strategy game originally published by now defunct publisher Data Becker and released between December 2000 and January 2001. The game is set in a post-civil war era and plays similarly to other well-known strategy games of it’s time. The review below was originally written by George (aka uzplayer) and was published in 2001.

When taking American History in high school, I found it boring. Everything ranging from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War was just plain boring and I fell asleep through most of it.  Well, now I am the owner and webmaster of a prominent gaming news and review site.  As one of these elite few, I receive quite a few games to review (which in some cases can be a godsend and other times, overwhelming.)  At first when receiving the real-time strategy game America by DataBecker, I thought it would be just one of those run-of-the mill PC games based off one of those chapters I slept through in American history.  However, after playing it, I am happy to say, that I was proven dead wrong.

Resembling the structure in campaigns/scenarios to Star Trek Armada, and similar in gameplay to the ever-popular Warcraft series, America is a game that takes place in the 19th century wild west.  Four campaigns and 30 missions make up this game including the Native American (Sioux), US Settler, Outlaw, and Mexican campaigns.  Each has a different goal, but the same as well; to win the Wild West.

I have to say that the cinematic sequences are very well done within the game.  The beginning sequence was one of which especially caught my eye where the Indian chief sits outside his tent meditating, eagle flying overhead, and visions of a grim future with fighting between the Sioux tribe, and the US Army and settlers.  It was at one point a sad scene to watch, but it also served to prep you up for the game to come.  Cinematic sequences like this can be found throughout the game at the beginning of each mission. 

Going into the game, as said, you get to choose between four campaigns, of which the first you need to complete is the Native American Campaign.  Now one thing to note is within each of the campaigns is that each party in the west has its own abilities. For example, being with the Native Americans where they have archers that can detect camouflaged units and steal enemy cattle and transport wagons and the Mexican militiaman, which has the capability of locating hidden outlaw assassins.

After you choose the first mission, you go through a cinematic sequence and then a brief history/instructional screen with a voiceover.  What is the purpose of this voiceover you ask? Well, it serves to inform you about what happened history wise thus serving as a great background for the game that allows you to go deep into understanding the game.  

Then comes the beginning of the scenario.  The first scenario begins with a small sequence of which a small band of Native American archers attack a settlers outpost yelling that they are hungry.  Then the mission goals are displayed in the upper left-hand corner, and you start.  Throughout the mission, you essentially must keep building up until you have a formidable force and then go on the warpath. Seems like an easy goal if you look at it from one perspective, but you must be strategic and cunning.  Essentially going at the fort in the scenario with all that you got is not enough.

The sound and music throughout the game is done just right in which it’s not completely overbearing on the game but adds to the game-play experience and accommodates the graphical qualities beautifully.  Each voice of each character, even the animals have been well done in the respect that everything is in sync while playing the game.  No slowdowns have been detected whatsoever.  Graphics are also done wonderfully well.

Overall, it shows that the people at Data Becker have done their homework and put together a great game that is addicting and offers the gamer something new every time you play it.  This game gets the Gamers Uplink seal of approval.

Overall 10

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